Smooth Wave

Location: Delhi, Delhi, India

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Every day Morning ...

This is about why every morning that helps to get on a freash new life

Good Morning

It was a moment of truth.
That there existed a Sun, Moon, and earth, and shall hence forth exist.
The Earth shall revolve around the Sun and so shall the Moon revolve around the Earth.

And it was written, that everyone shall plunge in an abyss of Sleep, after a day's work.
They, shall get rejovenated and get refreshed.
Bringing all activies in to near standstill.
The night shall continue, undisturbed, like the journey of ship,
which goes across the ocean at night.

From darkness, the light shall come.
From sleep, the awakening.
From Night, the day.

Let there be joy, freashness and vigour in the new day.let the Morning be good.So that every Morn shall be Good Morning.

So shall it be written, So shall it be done.

Seeking a New life

This was how i felt a long time back... Nevertheless i find it worthy enough to put it here..

A New Life
Surronded by problems ,
Feeling alone and lonely,
I was sunk in whirlpool of thoughts, that are unending and ruthless.
They took life away from me.

They blame the last straw in the bundle
that broke the donkey's back.
No one can tell which straw is really responsible for it,

Emotions surface themselves, when the surrounding are congineal to them,
but who can say that the surroundings are responsible for them ?

And so ,that day i felt like crying, i felt like dying..
but when the limits of pain are reached, the truth with joy greets us
Then, i knew that i cannot die..
because i felt that i am death less.

I felt that i always existed .. and will exist.
In those few moments i have lost being afraid of the future.
And then i forgot my past, every thing.

All that we ever want is here.
All that we can ever do is now.

Second by second i began to live,
Guided by Self and with Goal in mind,
How can i ever thank you , thy Lord of my Heart.

So ,Every day i get up afresh ,
to begin a whole new day.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Its about time ..

These were some of the words that i have jotted down some time back, Its about getting in touch with out inner-self and feel the Oneness of the self

Its about time that..
... little drops combine to form a river..
Its about time that..
... small merges with the big..
Its about time that..
... our hands work under the bigger hand..
Its about time that..
... we grow out of our little limitations..
Its time that we become one with the One.

Reply to an Alien

My Comments on the question if Aliens truly exist :

They are more like speculations of a curious mind. It's the mind that craves to find unusual things in usual, and tries to reason out unreasonable non-entities. The limitation of the 5 senses makes us belive the unbeliveable, so that we try to perceive beyond the obvious things.

Not a spec will change if there is truth in UFO or not. Even if they are true, the change will continue.
Hence this curious speculation is the play of the mind, to encounter a sense of thrill in our daily routinue mundane life.
Either way, or in all ways ,the reading gives us some fun fill past time..